Kuhtz Dream
Dairy Goats
[Senior Does] [Junior Does] [Herdsires]
Kidding Schedule]
[Reference Does] [Reference Bucks] [For Sale]

(Click on Name to go to ADGA's Pedigree Info)
Kuhtz Dream LTS Cricket

Dry Yearling
S: *B Lynnhaven T Sawyer
SS: CH *B Kastdemur's Timeless
SSS: GCH +*B Kastdemur's Time In A Bottle 90 EEE
SSD: SG Kastdemur's Moulin Rouge 3*M 90 VVEE
SD: GCH Kastdemur's Lucy In The Sky
3*M 88 V+EV
SDS: GCH +*B Wingwood Farm Romeo's Laredo 92 EEE
SDD: Kastdemur's Lucy Liu 2*M 89 EVEV
D: CH Kuhtz Dream FF Clementine
DS: *B Hoanbu KFE Free Fall
DSS: GCH +*B Kastdemur's Free and Easy 91 EEE
DSD: SGCH Hoanbu Status Diamond Pearl *M 90 VVEE
DD: CH Kuhtz Dream Goodlookin Carli
DDS: Deerpath Wildfire's Goodlookin
DDD: CH The Reecks Copper Penny HES 90.2

Junior Doe

Randy & Andrea Kuhtz
Elkhorn, WI 53121
