CH Kuhtz Dream Goodlookin Carli

(Pictured as a 4 Year Old 4th Freshener)
S: Deerpath Wildfire's Goodlookin
SS: Kastdemur's Californiawildfire
SSS: SG *B Kastdemur's Le Exacta EX 90 EVE
SSD: GCH Lassenwood Miller Kalila *M EX 90 VVEE
SD: Magic
Dreams Very Good
SDS: CH *B Goldthwaite Prince Valient EX 90 VEE
SDD: GCH Goldthwaite O'Goodness 4*M HES 92.5
D: CH The Reecks Copper Penny HES 90.2
DS: Price O The Field Royal Wills HES 90.3
DSS: GCH Price O The Field Royal Prince
DSD: Price O The Field Lady Wanita
Reecks Ida Tottie HES 91.5
DDS: Chi-Oak Lucky Charm
DDD: The Reecks Marlene HES 90.3
Carli is one of our favorite does. She easily finished
her Championship as a two year old winning Grand in three of the
six rings she was shown in. Carli is a tall, long and level
doe. She has a high, wide rear udder with a smoothly
attached fore udder which milks down to almost nothing.
She peaked at 12 lbs per day as a third freshening three year old.
Carli is a very quiet, easy going doe who loves her daily dose of attention after
being milked! She is also a wonderful brood doe. She produces our best kids year after year.
2013 Show Wins:
(only shown in 2 shows)
District IV Nubian Specialty, Janesville, WI - BOB & Best Udder
Wisconsin State Fair - GCH, BOB & Best Udder
2012 Show Wins: 5xBOB in 6 rings
2011 Show Wins: 6x 1st, 1x 2nd, 3x GCH, 1x Res GCH
1st, Best Uddered 2 yr. old & Res. GCH at the 2011 Wisconsin State
2010 Show Wins: 2x1st |